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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Thursday, December 29

I have a confession to make. This confession might label me as the Grinch, but I must confess it anyways. It is a deep and dark secret I have kept (kind of) hidden for all my life. And here, right now, you get to find out what it is.

I hate the song "Winter Wonderland".

Now, before you smack me, listen to my side of the story. I hear this song everywhere I go; and I mean absolutely everywhere - not even shifty gas stations or public restrooms are safe anymore. You hear it while you're shopping, you hear it on at school, etc. On top of this, at least a hundred trillion people have recorded this song. Seriously though, I did some research - let me show you what I found.

Forty-seven Reasons To Cry:

Scared yet? That's what I thought. And this isn't even all of them - LetsSingIt.com is nowhere near complete. For a song that isn't even very good to begin with, it has made quite the devastating mark on the world around us. I don't know if we'll ever recover.

In conclusion, Perry Como can burn in hell.

