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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Tuesday, December 12

If you want five star food, don't come to Harveys. It's that simple, folks.

For those that are not aware, I'm currently in the employ of Harveys. For those that aren't aware of the glory of Harveys, it's a fast food place. Yes, I spend my Friday evenings asking if people would like fries with that. Don't judge me.

Now, I consider Harveys better than your ordinary fast food. First off, we use an actual grill with fire and such, and our smallest burger is 3.5 oz. We cut up all our ingredients by hand (except the lettuce for burgers) and we garnish burgers while you watch. So, yes, above average fast food.

However, for the year that I've worked there, I've met a number of people that don't seem to understand that Harveys is, indeed, fast food. This means that your food might not be perfect. Don't get me wrong - I don't serve anything I wouldn't eat. Our burgers blow McDonalds out the window. But I do not serve gourmet cooking. Sorry folks - for $3.99, the best you can get is "pretty good". That's the simple truth. If you don't like it, head off to McRoadkills, and try to guess how many kinds of meat and/or dirt are in your food.

In conclusion, if you're going to whine and bitch when there's a drop too much mustard on your burger, save your righteous fury and let the employees of Harveys off with a scowl. We'll appreciate it.

Wow... I haven't written anything real in... a year? Maybe two? Does this even count as "real"?

It's not exactly "Christmas Spirit" -esque.... I might have to write something else before I eat myself into a coma in two weeks.

