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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Thursday, June 29

Now I don't normally post this kinda stuff, but who can honestly resist finding out their pirate name?

My pirate name is:

Mad John Kidd

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.

Take this quiz. It has muppets.

Friday, June 23

One of the coolest things I have seen in a long time: 3D Street Art

Thursday, June 22

For all those guys who don't believe in the rule "ladies first"...

Monday, June 19

After living in Toronto, I've come to realize the importance of sports. But to some, sports are more than important. They are desired - nay, essential - for life.

The problem? I hate sports. I see no point in sitting in front of a TV, yelling things at people that get paid more in a year than I'll ever see in my life, and who can't hear me. I'd rather be outside playing them myself. And by "outside playing them myself," I mean "eating chocolate."

However, despite the endless questions about who I'm cheering for, I can still enjoy the season. There are many positives - for instance, people seem to shower more than usual. And, there are all the little flags to steal/vandalize. For my international readers who don't know what I'm talking about, everyone in Toronto has little flags sticking out of their car windows, like so:

These flags are the drivers' way of showing how patriotic (and empty-headed) they are.

Now, there are also super-sportsfans. These are people who spend every moment of spare time in front of the TV watching sports. During class, they look up scores and stats on their laptops. And, their flags reflect the BQ (boring quotient) of their lives:

For those that don't believe that people actually do this, there was a guy with a flag this big on his car. He was spotted on June 18 on St. Clair West at 6:00. Seriously.

So, what team do I root for?

Any team you hate.

Wednesday, June 7

I've got a big bag o' crabs here
I'm gonna put them in my mouth, Oh Yes!
I'm gonna run 'round the town on a market day
and everyone will point at me and say
"I've got a mouth full of crabs"
Ayeebadee bat boo baddleboop baww...

