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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Thursday, February 26

alright, so it's been a couple days...

whats happened this week? absolutely nothing.... isn't that great?

todays song = project 86 - gold and silver
what an awesome song - if you dont have it/know it, let me know - you shall not be such a deprived child for much longer :)

so, html page - whats up? ..................sounds like fun. I'm not sure why i'm talking to a page.... or writing on one for that matter. Why do ppl keep stuff like journals? I don't get it. Like.... it's like me, talking to myself. But on a page. So somehow, society claims that its okay to talk to myself on a page, but not out loud? Whats up with that?? honestly... (note to readers - haddaya like the half punctuation job?) Well..... it would appear that I am doomed to write to myself instead of talk to myself..... which brings me to my next point - why am i such a crack pot?

