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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Sunday, February 29

My Poor Train

I was just sitting here thinking. Then, the unthinkable happened - (dum dum dummmmmm) I lost my train of thought. I was surprised and shocked. So then I started looking for it. It wasnt under the table - or my chair. It wasnt up my sleeve or under my couch. Then, i saw it. It was above me, floating away - just like a balloon. It went all the way up to the clouds, then it kinda drifted along there (at this point i was almost in tears). Then, it was shot out of the sky (probably by one of those "rational thoughts" (shudder)). So then it fell - it FELL - down, down down..... into the water. It floated down the river. Poor, poor train of thought. *sniff*

Song of the Day = Supertones - "Health and Wealth"
(a small excerpt)
Here we sit so comfy, rich.
use, me and you, the USA...
so far away from C-h-i-n-a.
We think they need freedom.
We're the ones in prison.
We don't have the time
to change the world.
It doesn't take long to figure out,
where all our money goes
We're the poorest billionaires
Jesus knows

