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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Sunday, March 21

It's been awhile, since I've been here...

so what have I been doing all week you ask? Building house. (stupid house) So what have you been doing, faithful reader? Relaxing over the marvelous march break? As surprising as it is, I'm quite happy for you. Cheers.

That reminds me - does anyone know why people clink glasses and say "cheers"? I'll tell you... years ago, back in the middle ages, people would each exchange a little wine from their glasses with one another... just to show that no one had poisoned anyone else's drink. How fascinating.

And that reminds me of the princess bride - BEST MOVIE EVER - the awesomeness brings me to write down various hilarious quotes.

"Hey Fezzek - are there rocks ahead?"
"If there are, we'll all be dead"
"No more rhymes now - I mean it"
"Anybody want a peanut?"


"There's something I should probably tell you - I'm not left handed either ;)"

"Fezzek... you finally did something right"

Alas poor poor fezzek.... died before the sequel could be produced.... stupid sequel

Which brings me to my next point - don't smoke crack

Wilderness - The Supertones

The rain falls on the righteous and the wicked
Mine is not to reason why this is
In this I rest, in this I find my refuge
That my thoughts and ways are not His
I spend my life on looking up the answers
It's rare that I can't find a reason why
But reasons fail at children without mothers
His plan is more than I can know

Have you ever held in doubt
What this life is all about
Have you questioned all these things
That seem important to us
Do you really wanna know
Or are you a little scared
You're afraid that God is not exactly
What you'd had Him be
What should I hold to and what should I do
How do I know if anything's true
I'm somewhere in between Canaan and Egypt
A place called the wilderness

I'm not one who always trusts their feelings
I don't believe in what you'd call blind faith
But faith that you can do all that you promised
And you said it all works for good
It's safe to say I don't see the big picture
I can't see the forest for the trees
And if five hundred lives
Were mine to get to know You
All could be spent on just this

God, do you really understand
What it's like to be a man
Have You ever felt the weight
Of loving all the things you hate
Have You struggled, have You worried
How can You sympathize?

I have spoken much too soon
Put my hand over my mouth
I can't contend with You
Your ways are so much higher
And we pass through the fire
That Christ endured before us
When You were in the wilderness

