<$BlogRSDURL$> .

Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Sunday, May 9

Hello again, FR (short for 'faithful reader'.... perhaps i shall come up with a name)

FR... Freddy Rodenbough? Frank Rudel? Fillip Redenbacher? - hey - i like that one.

Alright faithful reader - your name is officially Fillip Redenbacher - i shall call you Fil for short. Hehe.... its way too late to be doing this.... and by way too late, i mean 10:57

so Fil, whats up? 'What have you been thinking about, Faithful Writer?' you ask? Well, I shall tell you.

Well, its not what i've been thinking about really - more the lack thereof. You see, i have a horrible memory. "How horrible??" the masses ask. I'll tell you. I dont remember what i was talking about last night. Until someone reminds me. I cant remember where i parked my car only hours before i walked into a theatre. i hate downtown driving. especially in a standard car. it sucks.

alrighty... so i thought i would post another one of these just for the heck of it.

bahahahahahahaha.... oh wow.... i laughed so hard the first time i read that.... many many years ago.....

Scenes - Burlap to Cashmere

Now I have seen the glory
And you will see the fun
And we will fight together
Like father and son
Cause I am done
Yes I have won

In the winter lies a naked man
With a horse and a gun
I shall never see his face again
Cause I am done

Now boy, you know the story
Fight and you shall win
And if you roll the dice right
You'll be the next of kin
Cause I am done
Yes I have won

We're gonna take over the world

