<$BlogRSDURL$> .

Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Tuesday, June 29

Look everyone! Aren't they awesome?

well then

So i haven't blogged in a long time, fil. Have you missed me?

{Fil says: I've been hanging out with Jill - hardly noticed you left}.

I feel loved and appreciated.

Have you ever noticed that i never actually talk about anything on here? I'm sure that any actual readers I have (aside from Heather of course) are bored to death with what is on here. I would assume that the previously mentioned readers would be angry with me for my serious lack of entertainment. You know what i have to say to that?

Get a life.

A note on the music - the internet is retarded. I don't know when i'll have music again. I dont know if it matters or not. I shall still occasionally post songs on here just for the crap of it - if you are wise, you will download these songs and listen for your own good.

King For a Day - Goldfinger

Runnin' twice as fast I see
You're getting sick again
You're runnin' faster all the time
If i could I'd take it away
You know I would

Making plans to rule the world
Spread yourself way too thin
Wishing that you were king
Is killing you
Denyng that you're just a man
Just makes you tire out
You've got to slow it down
You're always running

And if I write this song to you
Would you listen up?
Cause this is your life
It's not mine
If I could I'd take it away
You know I would

