<$BlogRSDURL$> .

Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Wednesday, September 8

Looks about time for another update, Fil.

Where ya been? I thought you died.

That's comforting. I've been hanging out with "The Lady".

"The Lady", huh? Is she the one with the bad, bad sunglasses or the french moustache?

That was a bad, bad superimposition, Fil. She doesn't actually have a moustache in real life. She just wants one.

Thats MUCH better, then.

Damn straight.

So... what sort of entertainment do you have for us today?

Not too sure.

What the hell... I sit around here for 9 freakin days and all I get is a "not too sure"?!?!?!

You don't exist. Therefore, you don't have to sit around here all day. And what's going on with Jill? She can't be reporting the weather ALL the time, can she?

Nope. In fact, she gets up there five seconds before you come to this page, and leaves soon after you do. Kinda freaky, if you ask me.


Are you gonna come up with anything interesting?


Damn. You suck, you know that?

I'm not the two dimensional, non-existant one here.

HEY!!! I take offense to that.

That was the idea, Fil.


Hmmm.... how are things with you, Fil?

Non-existant, as you so excitedly pointed out.

Fine - I'm sorry...

Well thank yo--

...that you DONT EXIST!!! BOOYA!!!


Umm... yes. Booya. And Booya again. Twice. Booya.

Someone save me.

