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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Saturday, November 27

Something has been annoying the hell outta me for the past 4 years.

What, praytell, might that be?

Well it's-- what the crap? You're encouraging me? And where are all your insults?

Well the insults didn't seem to be doing much for either of us. And even your senseless, incoherent rambling is better than NOTHING FOR 16 FLIPPIN DAYS!!

You have a point.

Damn straight.

Well, as much of a geek and/or loser I pretend to not be, I have spent a good portion of my life talking on msn. In fact, I was instant messaging before msn was even created. Ahh... the good ol' days of ICQ... where have you gone? Anywho... I currently have 50 people on my list (yes, I know more than 50 people on the internet - no, I'm not THAT much of a loser to find my self worth in how many people are on my list so I tend to keep it clean). Of those 50 people, 3 currently have "50 MoR DaYz!!!11" or some such dumbass quote in their msn names. Why must they do this?? 50 more "dayz" till what? Who cares? Is this a pathetic attempt to get curious and/or horny 14 year old girls to ask you what pathetic event is occuring in 50 more days? Why must you torment us engineering types by leaving stupid crap in your names? It's annoys me almost as much as the difference in length of my car's turn signal with the guy's in front of me. Life just isn't fair for us engineers.

