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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Tuesday, March 29

So... we all know what Easter is about, right?

A celebration of the pagan goddess Eostre, the goddess of fertility, whose signs are the egg and the rabbit?

Nope. It's about candy.

I thought I had you there.

Nice try. Now, why bring this up, you ask?

Hey - why are you bringing this up, anyways?

That's what I thought. Well it just so happens that m'lady rocks and got me the greatest thing ever:

No, your eyes don't deceive you - she got me a chocolate Homer. How easterish is that? A big props to m'lady.

Oh, and those eggs were a joint effort - aren't they awesome?

They are indeed. Who knew that you had such artistic talent?

Not I. On a side note, I'd like you to meet my hero: Chuck Mangione

Yes, he plays flugelhorn. And if you find a picture of him without it, call Ripley's.

Saturday, March 19

Just... just look at this. M'lady found it. It makes my head hurt.

Wednesday, March 16

I've just received an astounding piece of news.

Sunday, March 13

So this weekend, I undertook a mighty project.

What, you clean your room or something?

Shut it up, you. I've definately done more than that. Since I love my lover, and since I have the freedom of the kitchen with my parents gone, I decided to bake my lover a cookie. Check it out:

Man, that is one lucky lover.

I'm glad you agree. And what's more, she liked it. Even claimed it tasted good.

Woah now - are you trying to say that you're good in the kitchen?

And what if I am?

Hmmm... well that IS a pretty impressive cookie. I give you a gold star.


