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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Tuesday, March 29

So... we all know what Easter is about, right?

A celebration of the pagan goddess Eostre, the goddess of fertility, whose signs are the egg and the rabbit?

Nope. It's about candy.

I thought I had you there.

Nice try. Now, why bring this up, you ask?

Hey - why are you bringing this up, anyways?

That's what I thought. Well it just so happens that m'lady rocks and got me the greatest thing ever:

No, your eyes don't deceive you - she got me a chocolate Homer. How easterish is that? A big props to m'lady.

Oh, and those eggs were a joint effort - aren't they awesome?

They are indeed. Who knew that you had such artistic talent?

Not I. On a side note, I'd like you to meet my hero: Chuck Mangione

Yes, he plays flugelhorn. And if you find a picture of him without it, call Ripley's.

