<$BlogRSDURL$> .

Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Sunday, May 1

Hello, all.

YOU?!?! And just WHERE have you been for the last MONTH?!?!

Well April was kinda busy. About the middle of the month, I realized I hadn't posted all month, but was too busy to do anything about it. By the time I reached the last week, I decided to just skip April.

Skip April? What the crap?

I don't know. Guess what? Today be me and m'lady's eight montheversary. It's been eight whole months, folks! Go us!!!


On a second note - if you haven't already, watch the movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events". Then watch the outtakes. Then read the following quote:

"You wanna get some Chinese after the show?"
"Yeah! Let's get 'em!!"
"Uhh... Chinese food."

