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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Wednesday, July 6

That's it - I'm not letting the non-posting go on another instant! Sorry for neglecting you, my thousands of readers. Right.

So, let's see what has happened in the last month...

Well, first and foremost, there was prom. It was pretty darn awesome. Check us out:

No, your eyes do not deceive you - I am wearing a purple tie that matches my hot babe's awesome and slightly sparkly purple dress. Oh man, we rock.

Then, there was our limo (provided by the Oin Limo Service). No, it's not my van with a few tablecloths over the seats and christmas lights strewn about, really...

It was quite awesome - we were the envy of everyone there. Go us.

Well, last month, I also graduated. YESSSS!

Not too long ago was the illustrius Canada Day. That was good times, let me tell you. We got all dressed up in our checkered Canada pants and played with LCB, then just general partying until the fireworks and such other festivities that night. Awesomeness!

Well I think that sums up last month pretty well. Not too bad of a month, if I may say so myself.

