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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Sunday, August 28

Well everyone, this be my last night in the grand ol' Sarnia-dizzle.

Oh horror no! Whatever will you do without all the old people driving slowly and yelling at you all the time?

I'm not sure, Fil. Probably try to avoid getting shot.

Yeah - there are a buttload of gangs there. They wanted me to join because I'm pretty good with a bowstaff.

Ummm... you do realize that that was a blatant Napolean Dynamite ripoff, right?

Yeah, well, jokes don't grow on trees, aight?

This is a valid point. Unless you find leaves and/or certain kinds of fruit hilarious. Actually, pine cones can tend to be quite the crowd pleaser - just watch The Sound of Music if you don't believe me. Anywho, we've gone way off topic here. Tomorrow, I move to the grand ol' city of Toronto to tackle my biggest enemy yet - mildew. Yeah.

You mean that you'll be attempting to CLEAN? Whoa... that's... incredible!

I hate you. I really hate you.

Yeah... it happens.

Well, since I'm on a foreign computer, I have nothing amusing to post on here. And so I shall type to ye all again once I be in the appartment. Wish me well!

I wish you would fall down a well...

I hate you.

