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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Friday, September 9

Ahoy all! I have boldly ventured to the land of Toronto. Hooray.

Anywho, since I'm sure everyone is dying to know how my appartment looks, I thought I'd give you a virtual tour...

This is the kitchen. It rocks. It's got a lot of shelf space. And Sushi Jr. who isn't quite able to be seen. He's our pet fish. He's lived for about two years, apparently. Props to him.

This is a shot of our dining/living room-ish area. It rocks.

This is the other half of our living room. It rocks. And that is my housemate Sam. He is very hyper. And if you'll look to the right of the photograph, you'll see a portable kneeler. It also rocks. Get this - it even turns into a CONFESSIONAL!

This is Brad's room. It rocks. Since this picture was taken, he has decorated with much cacti.

This is Sam's room. It rocks.

This is Dan's and my room. It rocks. Since the taking of these pictures, I have decorated with Napolean Dynamite posters. They also rock.

This is my cosy desk where I happen to be sitting right now. It rocks. Check out the lava lamp. Oh yeah.

This is my bathroom. It rocks. I bet you wish you had your own bathroom. Bahahaha.

This is my closet. It rocks. This is where I keep my shoes, clothes, and unmentionables. Oh, and the bodies.

This is a shot from our balcony. It rocks. Basically, if you walk out onto our balcony and look right, this is what you'll see. Our neighbour apparently has stocked up in case of nuclear warfare.

This is the view from the 9th floor. It does, in fact, rock. Not too shabby if I may say so myself.

Sorry about the massive amounts of images here. Well actually, I'm not sorry. Get cable.

And one final comment I must add - a lament for Mr. Marbles, the gecko. You see, when we were talking to administration before we came here, they specifically said NO PETS. Like, it got to the point where we were worried about bringing Sushi Jr. However, upon arrival, who joins us in the elevator to the 9th floor but two old ladies with their DOGS? Whoever DID let the dogs out, anyway? Anywho, Mr. Marbles is Brad's pet gecko. By the time we realized that nobody cares about pets, Brad was already on his way. Poor Mr. Marbles.

