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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Sunday, September 18

So I was just minding my own business, reading my fan mail, when I notice an ad on the side. Most ads are pretty stupid, and therefore ignored. But this ad was so stupid, so blood-curdlingly annoying that I had to write about it.

It was an ad for date.ca. That's pretty much all I ever see in hotmail anymore - ads targeted towards balding middle aged men who have no luck with the ladies. Honestly - how hard is it to get yourself your own date? People have been doing it for centuries. Did I meet the greatest girl in the world through an electric box? No - I met her in this place called reality. You see, in reality, you don't get to sit at home on your ass safe behind your computer screen - you're there, with people. You have to deal with acceptance and rejection both. You have to show people who you are, rather than just (graciously) tell them.

So I have to wonder - how many people worth dating go on those sites? If they're not capable of getting a date on their own, chances are that nobody wants to date this person. So why would you go looking for your soul mate on the internet? I conclude that that is not the purpose of internet dating.

This is the ad that roused my ire. Why? Because it's a perfect example of what I've been saying. What do you think this person is on here for? Probably because she was kicked out of the bar for good and has to get her lovin' elsewhere. Maybe she's being paid for it. But what bothers me most about this ad is the "Real People - Real Love" slogan. This honestly makes me want to nuke earth - that we seem to think that we can find Real People (needless to say, real love) over a site that's out to make money. And take a look at the picture of "Tamara" - she's probably accentuating her two "best features" right there. If you don't know what I mean, then I'm not explaining.

But anyway, why do you think she is on this site? I'm pretty sure, by evidence of the picture, it's safe to say that she's looking for someone's pants to get into. I really don't like that they're using the cover of "Real Love" for this, so I've gone to the liberty of making a new ad.

Now this is a little more along the lines of truth. Why don't they just publish mine? There seems to be no moral qualm with it. Why have the bullshit front? In fact, they'd probably get more customers this way.

I can honestly say that I am thoroughly sickened by these kind of ads. Ads don't usually bother me in general - our economy depends on them. But why do they have to cheapen society like this? Why do they have to show just how low humanity has gone? Oh yeah, I forgot - it works.

