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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Thursday, November 3

Well, in the interest of giving everyone one more thing to procrastinate with, I shalst give a grand ol' post! What about? Absolutely nothing!

Well... not quite nothing. I'll first be giving an overview of the past 20ish days. Let's see...

Well I returned to the grand ol' Sarnia-dizzle once again. Why? Two reasons - my friends were there and my parents were not. We partied non-stop. And by partied, I mean went to stokes then watched the Nightmare Before Christmas (which, I must say, is quite the excellent movie - yay Tim Burton!). But, better than that, I got in plenty of time with My Girl, for it was her week off. Hoorah! Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

...except for the means of getting there and getting home. You see, Greyhound is the devil. They gave me wrong information twice. The first time, it cost me $20 extra to take the Richard Q from London as I missed my transfer there. The second, they told me the wrong place to go for the picking-upness from Sarnia. This resulted in My Girl's father offering me a ride to London, which was very awesome. But nonetheless, Greyhound sucks. Really.

Hmmmm.... I suppose the only other event was halloween. Instead of describing it, I'll just provide a series of pictures:

I think the rest is up to you to figure out*.

* This is all fake.

