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Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Monday, September 18

Why, yes! I have redeveloped my appreciation for The Police!

In other news, we're fighting plague.

I'm not sure if we want this getting out, but I can't see any harm in posting it up on that place where anyone in the world with $10 per month can find out by simply being bored enough to come across this page. No harm at all.

Let me explain the whole story. First off, our friend who lives in another appartment near us (henceforth refered to as "Garry") got bed bugs. This was back in July and, seeing as we felt bad for him, let him stay with us while he fought the immense battle for couches and beds at his place. Finally, he was completely moved out of his place (and into ours temporarily) and the fight was over. Or so we thought.

Two or so weeks ago, one of my apartment-mates ("Vernados") brought us some disturbing news. Or rather, his back brought us the news: bed bug bites. Garry, being a bed bug veteran, instantly confirmed our dreaded suspicions. We had bed bugs.

After we recovered from the initial shock, my room-mate ("Dante") took the lead. Over some freezies, we had a long discussion on the possible source of these bedbugs. Your immediate thoughts might be "DUUHHH GARY HAD BEDBUGS YOUR SO STUPID LOL!!!1," and if this is the case, open up that thing that says "My Computer," right click on the drive that says "C" and click "Format." Ignore all the warnings. This will give your computer super powers and racing stripes. Trust me.

Though the source may seem obvious, consider these facts:
1. Garry had bedbugs about 2 months before all this happened. If they had come over with his stuff, we assume they wouldn't have waited around for 2 months to bite. They can detect carbon dioxide, so there's no way they couldn't have found us.
2. Another apartment-mate ("Sabastian") had gone camping shortly before all this began. One of the guys in his tent was reported to have bed bugs. However, he may have had them over a year ago. We don't know, and have yet to find out.
3. Bed bugs are becoming an epidemic in my hometown ("Toledo"). Either of the above possibilities is as likely as getting them from another apartment, someone on the bus, etc.
So, in short, we had no idea where they came from. And we still dont.

However, we still had to fight. Shortly after, we armed ourselves with Raid and bug killing powder, ready to restore order to our rioting appartment.

We still had a great obstical ahead of us, though. Despite our extensive search, we found no bed bugs in Vernados' room anywhere. This puzzled us greatly, and left our attack suspended.

The next day, I came home to find our living room looking different. I thought and thought, but I couldn't put my finger on what was changed. Sabastian quickly showed me the dumpster from our balcony, and I found what was missing: a couch. It seems that Vernados realized he had barely moved from one particular couch for aeons. After some lifting of cushions, flipping of couch, and general tearing apart, they declared the couch a lost cause and disposed of it. It was a battle lost.

But the war was not over. Oh no, my friends. With renewed vigour, we brought out the Raid and silicon dust to the battlefield.

Since then, we haven't lost any more couches. Though we have found a few, we refuse to give up the fight. We fight on still.

And that is pretty much the story of the last couple weeks of my life. I was considering dramatising, adding ninjas and pirates, but I decided to give the straight dope instead. I hope no one is disappointed.

Another note - all of the fake names used are real. Yes, even Vernados. Search for them here if you don't believe me.

