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Sunday, March 28
Alright - today's blog is brought to you by Heather. The idea is to fill in the blanks with song titles of a band - I have chosen the almighty Five Iron Frenzy. Here we go.
i see myself as SPARTAN
my future looks like THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
i think THE PHANTOM MULLET is attractive.
don't ever CANNONBALL
And now, the lyrics to....
The Phantom Mullet - Five Iron Frenzy
Cruisin downtown in your Camaro
REO Speedwagon on the stereo
It's kind of catchy, kind of a virus
Cutting your hair like Billy Ray Cyrus
You're probably bummed, you probably cried
You're probably sad that the guy from Lynyrd Skynyrd died
You're probably singing "oh oh oh"
All night long
Feel the power of the PHANTOM MULLET
Tremble and cower from the PHANTOM MULLET
White metal burn of the PHANTOM MULLET
Combed straight or permed, it's the PHANTOM MULLET
And you, cutting it short on top
I want that for me
Growing it long in the back
So savage and so free
Drop into first you're taking it slow
You're such a rock star
You could never know
I wish I was singing "oh oh oh"
All night long
Betcha didn't believe there was a song about a mullet didja?
i see myself as SPARTAN
my future looks like THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
i think THE PHANTOM MULLET is attractive.
don't ever CANNONBALL
And now, the lyrics to....
The Phantom Mullet - Five Iron Frenzy
Cruisin downtown in your Camaro
REO Speedwagon on the stereo
It's kind of catchy, kind of a virus
Cutting your hair like Billy Ray Cyrus
You're probably bummed, you probably cried
You're probably sad that the guy from Lynyrd Skynyrd died
You're probably singing "oh oh oh"
All night long
Feel the power of the PHANTOM MULLET
Tremble and cower from the PHANTOM MULLET
White metal burn of the PHANTOM MULLET
Combed straight or permed, it's the PHANTOM MULLET
And you, cutting it short on top
I want that for me
Growing it long in the back
So savage and so free
Drop into first you're taking it slow
You're such a rock star
You could never know
I wish I was singing "oh oh oh"
All night long
Betcha didn't believe there was a song about a mullet didja?
Friday, March 26
Wow... i just realized how seldom I've been posting lately... but that's expected - do you know why, faithful reader? Owen will tell you. You see, for 8 months, I have been living in a two bedroom appartment. Why, you ask? Because this house that we're renovating was a piece of crap. I use the term "was" for a very specific reason however. Because now my computer is IN my house. How EXCITING!!! Well... I'm not exactly living here yet... but it's all coming together. I get carpet in my room on tuesday - THEN i get all my stuff in my room.... and hopefully living permanently soon after - JOY!!
Well now I'm not sure what to say. Maybe it's time for some words of wisdom from yours truly. Todays words of wisdom are brought to you by: "the Princess Bride." "The most well known, is never get involved in a land war in Asia!! But only slightly less well known is this - never go up against a Cecilian when death is on the line!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA--- *thud*" Wow. Just... wow. Vizzini, you are truly a wise man. Too bad Wesley killed you.
Well I thought I'd put this up kuz it's just plain hilarious.
I was thinking really hard recently on what I would say if someone asked me what my favourite song was. I picked this one. It's simple, but about the most meaningful song I've ever heard.
Who Is This? - The Insyderz
Who is this that appears like the dawn?
Fairer than the moon, brighter than the sun
You're the Lover of my soul
Draw me into You
Draw me into You
Who is this that beckons me to come close?
Beauty beyond words surrounds me when You're near
You're the Lover of my soul
Draw me into You
Draw me into You
We will run, we will fly, we will be together
We will laugh, we will cry, we will be together
Who is this that wipes the tears from my eyes?
Just one glimpse of You steals my heart away
You're the Lover of my soul
Draw me into You
Draw me into You
Well now I'm not sure what to say. Maybe it's time for some words of wisdom from yours truly. Todays words of wisdom are brought to you by: "the Princess Bride." "The most well known, is never get involved in a land war in Asia!! But only slightly less well known is this - never go up against a Cecilian when death is on the line!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA--- *thud*" Wow. Just... wow. Vizzini, you are truly a wise man. Too bad Wesley killed you.
Well I thought I'd put this up kuz it's just plain hilarious.

I was thinking really hard recently on what I would say if someone asked me what my favourite song was. I picked this one. It's simple, but about the most meaningful song I've ever heard.
Who Is This? - The Insyderz
Who is this that appears like the dawn?
Fairer than the moon, brighter than the sun
You're the Lover of my soul
Draw me into You
Draw me into You
Who is this that beckons me to come close?
Beauty beyond words surrounds me when You're near
You're the Lover of my soul
Draw me into You
Draw me into You
We will run, we will fly, we will be together
We will laugh, we will cry, we will be together
Who is this that wipes the tears from my eyes?
Just one glimpse of You steals my heart away
You're the Lover of my soul
Draw me into You
Draw me into You
Sunday, March 21
It's been awhile, since I've been here...
so what have I been doing all week you ask? Building house. (stupid house) So what have you been doing, faithful reader? Relaxing over the marvelous march break? As surprising as it is, I'm quite happy for you. Cheers.
That reminds me - does anyone know why people clink glasses and say "cheers"? I'll tell you... years ago, back in the middle ages, people would each exchange a little wine from their glasses with one another... just to show that no one had poisoned anyone else's drink. How fascinating.
And that reminds me of the princess bride - BEST MOVIE EVER - the awesomeness brings me to write down various hilarious quotes.
"Hey Fezzek - are there rocks ahead?"
"If there are, we'll all be dead"
"No more rhymes now - I mean it"
"Anybody want a peanut?"
"There's something I should probably tell you - I'm not left handed either ;)"
"Fezzek... you finally did something right"
Alas poor poor fezzek.... died before the sequel could be produced.... stupid sequel
Which brings me to my next point - don't smoke crack
Wilderness - The Supertones
The rain falls on the righteous and the wicked
Mine is not to reason why this is
In this I rest, in this I find my refuge
That my thoughts and ways are not His
I spend my life on looking up the answers
It's rare that I can't find a reason why
But reasons fail at children without mothers
His plan is more than I can know
Have you ever held in doubt
What this life is all about
Have you questioned all these things
That seem important to us
Do you really wanna know
Or are you a little scared
You're afraid that God is not exactly
What you'd had Him be
What should I hold to and what should I do
How do I know if anything's true
I'm somewhere in between Canaan and Egypt
A place called the wilderness
I'm not one who always trusts their feelings
I don't believe in what you'd call blind faith
But faith that you can do all that you promised
And you said it all works for good
It's safe to say I don't see the big picture
I can't see the forest for the trees
And if five hundred lives
Were mine to get to know You
All could be spent on just this
God, do you really understand
What it's like to be a man
Have You ever felt the weight
Of loving all the things you hate
Have You struggled, have You worried
How can You sympathize?
I have spoken much too soon
Put my hand over my mouth
I can't contend with You
Your ways are so much higher
And we pass through the fire
That Christ endured before us
When You were in the wilderness
so what have I been doing all week you ask? Building house. (stupid house) So what have you been doing, faithful reader? Relaxing over the marvelous march break? As surprising as it is, I'm quite happy for you. Cheers.
That reminds me - does anyone know why people clink glasses and say "cheers"? I'll tell you... years ago, back in the middle ages, people would each exchange a little wine from their glasses with one another... just to show that no one had poisoned anyone else's drink. How fascinating.
And that reminds me of the princess bride - BEST MOVIE EVER - the awesomeness brings me to write down various hilarious quotes.
"Hey Fezzek - are there rocks ahead?"
"If there are, we'll all be dead"
"No more rhymes now - I mean it"
"Anybody want a peanut?"
"There's something I should probably tell you - I'm not left handed either ;)"
"Fezzek... you finally did something right"
Alas poor poor fezzek.... died before the sequel could be produced.... stupid sequel
Which brings me to my next point - don't smoke crack
Wilderness - The Supertones
The rain falls on the righteous and the wicked
Mine is not to reason why this is
In this I rest, in this I find my refuge
That my thoughts and ways are not His
I spend my life on looking up the answers
It's rare that I can't find a reason why
But reasons fail at children without mothers
His plan is more than I can know
Have you ever held in doubt
What this life is all about
Have you questioned all these things
That seem important to us
Do you really wanna know
Or are you a little scared
You're afraid that God is not exactly
What you'd had Him be
What should I hold to and what should I do
How do I know if anything's true
I'm somewhere in between Canaan and Egypt
A place called the wilderness
I'm not one who always trusts their feelings
I don't believe in what you'd call blind faith
But faith that you can do all that you promised
And you said it all works for good
It's safe to say I don't see the big picture
I can't see the forest for the trees
And if five hundred lives
Were mine to get to know You
All could be spent on just this
God, do you really understand
What it's like to be a man
Have You ever felt the weight
Of loving all the things you hate
Have You struggled, have You worried
How can You sympathize?
I have spoken much too soon
Put my hand over my mouth
I can't contend with You
Your ways are so much higher
And we pass through the fire
That Christ endured before us
When You were in the wilderness
Tuesday, March 16
well it's march break - do you know what that means, faithful reader? it means that you get one of these long, boring, oh-so-pointless things...
1. Name: Owen "the yellow dart" Tosh
2. Nicknames: my name is owen... you can call me owen....
3. Date today: III/XVI/'IV - mwahaha figure that one out sucker
4. Height: some days im 5'10 - others, im 6' - i dont know
5. Hair color: dark blond
6. Bad habit: banging head against walls... stupid walls....
7. Color of your coat: i have two coats... one is light brown and the other is dark brown - and theyre both SUADE!!!
8. Color of your toothbrush: blue and white... and i think it says "keep smiling - dr paiment" on it
9. Color of your socks: hot pink... (i wish)
10. Star sign: leo - meow
11. Birthday: july 31
12. Last thing you ate: i ate ice cream
13. Righty or Lefty: rrrrrrrright
14. Highlight of your day: i went to see the passion tonight so i guess that would be it
15. Worst part of your day: uhhh i was working on my house so i guess that would be it
16: Lucky number: 8
17: Unlucky number: 385046274954.3
18: What's a major turn on for you: lets see... hobbit feet, musicness, and a nice laugh
19. Shirt: my blue Five Iron Frenzy one
20. Song: dont make me pick... i could list the posibilities for days....
21. Veggie: lettuce - you can do SO many things with it
22. Thing to sit on: definately not this stupid chair ive been using for 7 months now.... umm i dont really like sitting to be honest
23. Place to eat: ....this chair....
24. Song to sing: anything supertones/FIF
25. Lip gloss flavor: anything sparkly
26. Jell-o Flavor: clear jello is awesome
27. Quote: "I want to know God's thoughts - the rest are details" - Einstein
28. Crayon color: white
31. Do you plan on having kids? definately - at least 3
32. bf/gf? yes please
33. What's your song? love stinks?
34. How long have you been together? ive been with my song ever since that day long ago when i saw "the wedding singer" - we've never been separated since....
35. Where do you plan on getting married? thats a debate for us - i want to quickly but she wants a huge deal of a wedding...
36. tv/computer: i'll take two of each
37. Guys/Girls: guys suck... but so do a lot of girls... people suck (but not YOU, faithful reader)
38. Rain/Snow: rain is fun
39. Singing/Dancing: i like singing while dancing... in the rain....
40. Summer/Winter: both are nice - i actually prefer spring - here in canada, spring is the time where it alternates between summer and winter for a couple months
41. Night/Day: night (we hatesss the yellow faccceee preccciousssssss)
42. Go to sleep/Wake up: i enjoy the lack of waking up... like waking up late.... thats awesome...
43. Funny/Scary movies: funny - scary movies are kinda pointless - they scare the crap outta you - whats the fun in that?
44. On the phone/In person: phones suck - but doing stuff in person can be awkward
45. Hugs/Kisses: yes, please.... please.... pretty please?
46. Pink/Purple: oh hot pink definately (PINK IS TOUGH)
47. Most understanding: lotsa people are understanding - or at least try to be - and thats just as good
48. Sweetest: i refuse to answer questions that will hurt ppl's feelings
49. Best personality: see previous answer - why would you DO this to people, stupid email???
50. Which 5 people do u trust the most? oh shut up
51. Who makes you happy? lotsa people do
52. Most negative: methinks i take this one sometimes
53. Tallest: haha i think julie is a little taller than vicky
54. Most Confusing: im pretty confusing... but everything confuses me as well
55. Best Smelling: all the girls smell pretty good
56. Warmest: i dunno - heather's pretty darn hot ;)
57. Coldest: im pretty cold
58. Shortest: i ran into heather because i didnt see her.... sorry heather....
59: Eaten chicken? no - polly objects to canabalistic ways
60: Borrowed something from a friend? yes - what kinda question is that?
61: Gotten a present? see previous answer
62: Been sick? see previous answer
63: Missed someone? see previous answer
64: Hugged someone? see prevoius answer
65: Looked in a newspaper? oh geez people - SEE THE FRIGGIN PREVIOUS ANSWER
66: Played with fire? hehehe lighters and hairspray will light ANY bonfire you might have trouble starting....
67: Went for a walk? no.... i have never left this chair... ever...
68. What's something you cant live without?: YOU, faithful reader
70. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? well i wanna be a hermit.... but i wanna get married to... can hermits be married?
71. whats the longest time you've been in a car? ummmm roughly 7/8 hours nonstop - 20 hours with the odd hour/half hour breaks once in a while
72. What makes you happy? music... and hobbit feet
73. What are your future goals? tour the country.... live off the land.... be a hermit....
74. Have you even been hit in the head with a Frisbee?: most likely - i dont remember (which is actually quite logical)
75: Who sent this to you? heather
76: What do you think of them? theres only one heather - and the word "awesome" doesnt do her justice
77. What song seems to reflect you the most? IM JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG BABY.... haha no seriously umm..... "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot (the lyrics are posted at the bottom)
78: What color seems to reflect you the most? white - like a white crayon - its invisible unless presented on a different background... (wow that was clever)
79. Would you rather a nice car or nice house? i could use a good van for touring the country... so id go for a junky looking van that could get good mileage
80. When did you last talk to the person that you like? ;)
81. Last time you were depressed? ummmmm this morning
82. Do you want your friends to write back? well im kinda posting this so you cant really write back now can you?
As promised...
Meant to Live - Switchfoot
Fumbling his confidence
And wondering why the world has passed him by
Hoping that he’s meant for more than arguments
And failed attempts to fly, fly
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Dreaming about Providence
And whether mice or men have second tries
Maybe we’ve been livin with our eyes half open
Maybe we’re bent and broken, broken
We want more than this world’s got to offer
We want more than this world’s got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life
1. Name: Owen "the yellow dart" Tosh
2. Nicknames: my name is owen... you can call me owen....
3. Date today: III/XVI/'IV - mwahaha figure that one out sucker
4. Height: some days im 5'10 - others, im 6' - i dont know
5. Hair color: dark blond
6. Bad habit: banging head against walls... stupid walls....
7. Color of your coat: i have two coats... one is light brown and the other is dark brown - and theyre both SUADE!!!
8. Color of your toothbrush: blue and white... and i think it says "keep smiling - dr paiment" on it
9. Color of your socks: hot pink... (i wish)
10. Star sign: leo - meow
11. Birthday: july 31
12. Last thing you ate: i ate ice cream
13. Righty or Lefty: rrrrrrrright
14. Highlight of your day: i went to see the passion tonight so i guess that would be it
15. Worst part of your day: uhhh i was working on my house so i guess that would be it
16: Lucky number: 8
17: Unlucky number: 385046274954.3
18: What's a major turn on for you: lets see... hobbit feet, musicness, and a nice laugh
19. Shirt: my blue Five Iron Frenzy one
20. Song: dont make me pick... i could list the posibilities for days....
21. Veggie: lettuce - you can do SO many things with it
22. Thing to sit on: definately not this stupid chair ive been using for 7 months now.... umm i dont really like sitting to be honest
23. Place to eat: ....this chair....
24. Song to sing: anything supertones/FIF
25. Lip gloss flavor: anything sparkly
26. Jell-o Flavor: clear jello is awesome
27. Quote: "I want to know God's thoughts - the rest are details" - Einstein
28. Crayon color: white
31. Do you plan on having kids? definately - at least 3
32. bf/gf? yes please
33. What's your song? love stinks?
34. How long have you been together? ive been with my song ever since that day long ago when i saw "the wedding singer" - we've never been separated since....
35. Where do you plan on getting married? thats a debate for us - i want to quickly but she wants a huge deal of a wedding...
36. tv/computer: i'll take two of each
37. Guys/Girls: guys suck... but so do a lot of girls... people suck (but not YOU, faithful reader)
38. Rain/Snow: rain is fun
39. Singing/Dancing: i like singing while dancing... in the rain....
40. Summer/Winter: both are nice - i actually prefer spring - here in canada, spring is the time where it alternates between summer and winter for a couple months
41. Night/Day: night (we hatesss the yellow faccceee preccciousssssss)
42. Go to sleep/Wake up: i enjoy the lack of waking up... like waking up late.... thats awesome...
43. Funny/Scary movies: funny - scary movies are kinda pointless - they scare the crap outta you - whats the fun in that?
44. On the phone/In person: phones suck - but doing stuff in person can be awkward
45. Hugs/Kisses: yes, please.... please.... pretty please?
46. Pink/Purple: oh hot pink definately (PINK IS TOUGH)
47. Most understanding: lotsa people are understanding - or at least try to be - and thats just as good
48. Sweetest: i refuse to answer questions that will hurt ppl's feelings
49. Best personality: see previous answer - why would you DO this to people, stupid email???
50. Which 5 people do u trust the most? oh shut up
51. Who makes you happy? lotsa people do
52. Most negative: methinks i take this one sometimes
53. Tallest: haha i think julie is a little taller than vicky
54. Most Confusing: im pretty confusing... but everything confuses me as well
55. Best Smelling: all the girls smell pretty good
56. Warmest: i dunno - heather's pretty darn hot ;)
57. Coldest: im pretty cold
58. Shortest: i ran into heather because i didnt see her.... sorry heather....
59: Eaten chicken? no - polly objects to canabalistic ways
60: Borrowed something from a friend? yes - what kinda question is that?
61: Gotten a present? see previous answer
62: Been sick? see previous answer
63: Missed someone? see previous answer
64: Hugged someone? see prevoius answer
65: Looked in a newspaper? oh geez people - SEE THE FRIGGIN PREVIOUS ANSWER
66: Played with fire? hehehe lighters and hairspray will light ANY bonfire you might have trouble starting....
67: Went for a walk? no.... i have never left this chair... ever...
68. What's something you cant live without?: YOU, faithful reader
70. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? well i wanna be a hermit.... but i wanna get married to... can hermits be married?
71. whats the longest time you've been in a car? ummmm roughly 7/8 hours nonstop - 20 hours with the odd hour/half hour breaks once in a while
72. What makes you happy? music... and hobbit feet
73. What are your future goals? tour the country.... live off the land.... be a hermit....
74. Have you even been hit in the head with a Frisbee?: most likely - i dont remember (which is actually quite logical)
75: Who sent this to you? heather
76: What do you think of them? theres only one heather - and the word "awesome" doesnt do her justice
77. What song seems to reflect you the most? IM JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG BABY.... haha no seriously umm..... "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot (the lyrics are posted at the bottom)
78: What color seems to reflect you the most? white - like a white crayon - its invisible unless presented on a different background... (wow that was clever)
79. Would you rather a nice car or nice house? i could use a good van for touring the country... so id go for a junky looking van that could get good mileage
80. When did you last talk to the person that you like? ;)
81. Last time you were depressed? ummmmm this morning
82. Do you want your friends to write back? well im kinda posting this so you cant really write back now can you?
As promised...
Meant to Live - Switchfoot
Fumbling his confidence
And wondering why the world has passed him by
Hoping that he’s meant for more than arguments
And failed attempts to fly, fly
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Dreaming about Providence
And whether mice or men have second tries
Maybe we’ve been livin with our eyes half open
Maybe we’re bent and broken, broken
We want more than this world’s got to offer
We want more than this world’s got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life
Monday, March 15
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble - Delerious
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Did you hear the oceans roar?
When the people rose to sing of
Jesus Christ the risen One
Did you feel the people tremble?
Did you hear the singers roar?
When the lost began to sing of
Jesus Christ the saving One
And we can see that, God, You're moving
A mighty river through the nations
And young and old return to Jesus
Fling wide, you heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord
Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring your hope
Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice
Do you feel the darkness tremble
When all the saints join in one song?
And all the streams flow as one river
To wash away our brokeness
And here we see that, God, You're moving
A time of jubilee is coming
When young and old return to Jesus
Fling wide, you heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Did you hear the oceans roar?
When the people rose to sing of
Jesus Christ the risen One
Did you feel the people tremble?
Did you hear the singers roar?
When the lost began to sing of
Jesus Christ the saving One
And we can see that, God, You're moving
A mighty river through the nations
And young and old return to Jesus
Fling wide, you heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord
Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring your hope
Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice
Do you feel the darkness tremble
When all the saints join in one song?
And all the streams flow as one river
To wash away our brokeness
And here we see that, God, You're moving
A time of jubilee is coming
When young and old return to Jesus
Fling wide, you heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord
so here i am, yet again
Where is "here" you ask? Well, it's not my house. But it WILL be my house. Eventually. Stupid house. So how are you enjoying YOUR house, oh faithful reader? Large and spacious, right??? CHERISH IT!!!
Ummm... ambulances are fun.... especially the sirens...
Word of the day: Psycho - it has such a weird spelling... and its quite the fun word to say
And yes, it is once again time for.... TUNE OF THE DAY (or so)
Shut Up and Play - The Supertones
Religious fanatic, that's what they say
True, I may be on the brink
I hear them yell at us, "shut up and play"
Well, who asked what you think?
No time for mediocrity, convenience, or practicality
He went all out for us, say what you will
I'll answer to my God
I'm a freak, they say I've lost my mind
But I know, I've never seen so clearly
When I speak, they say I've gone too far this time
Which lets me know that I have not gone nearly
Bible thumpin' reactionist
And I'm proud to bear the name
Take out music, take away our lives
Jesus still remains
I wonder what will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus freak
Where is "here" you ask? Well, it's not my house. But it WILL be my house. Eventually. Stupid house. So how are you enjoying YOUR house, oh faithful reader? Large and spacious, right??? CHERISH IT!!!
Ummm... ambulances are fun.... especially the sirens...
Word of the day: Psycho - it has such a weird spelling... and its quite the fun word to say
And yes, it is once again time for.... TUNE OF THE DAY (or so)
Shut Up and Play - The Supertones
Religious fanatic, that's what they say
True, I may be on the brink
I hear them yell at us, "shut up and play"
Well, who asked what you think?
No time for mediocrity, convenience, or practicality
He went all out for us, say what you will
I'll answer to my God
I'm a freak, they say I've lost my mind
But I know, I've never seen so clearly
When I speak, they say I've gone too far this time
Which lets me know that I have not gone nearly
Bible thumpin' reactionist
And I'm proud to bear the name
Take out music, take away our lives
Jesus still remains
I wonder what will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus freak
Wednesday, March 10
Well here I am again... YAY!!!
So the band trip yesterday was just delightful... especially the euchre.... euchre is fun.... fun is fun.... gregor is a weird name... oh oh oh I have a new link - Check this one out. His name is Gregor. Gregor is a weird name. If you wanna see the rest in the collection, go to the link on the side labeled "Stupid Creatures." They are quite amusing....
Sooo.... for your musical fufilment today, I have chosen (da dada daaaaaa)
Two Princes - Spin Doctors
One, two, princes kneel before you
That's what I said, now
Princes, Princes who adore you
Just go ahead, now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one, he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now
This one, he got a princely racket
That's what I said, now
Got some big seal upon his jacket
Ain't in his head, now
You Marry him, your father will condone you
How bout that, now
You Marry me, your father will disown you
He'll eat his hat, now
Marry him or marry me,
I'm the one that loves you baby can't you see?
I ain't got no future or a family tree,
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be,
I know what a prince and lover ought to be....
Said, if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And If you wanna buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now
So the band trip yesterday was just delightful... especially the euchre.... euchre is fun.... fun is fun.... gregor is a weird name... oh oh oh I have a new link - Check this one out. His name is Gregor. Gregor is a weird name. If you wanna see the rest in the collection, go to the link on the side labeled "Stupid Creatures." They are quite amusing....
Sooo.... for your musical fufilment today, I have chosen (da dada daaaaaa)
Two Princes - Spin Doctors
One, two, princes kneel before you
That's what I said, now
Princes, Princes who adore you
Just go ahead, now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one, he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now
This one, he got a princely racket
That's what I said, now
Got some big seal upon his jacket
Ain't in his head, now
You Marry him, your father will condone you
How bout that, now
You Marry me, your father will disown you
He'll eat his hat, now
Marry him or marry me,
I'm the one that loves you baby can't you see?
I ain't got no future or a family tree,
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be,
I know what a prince and lover ought to be....
Said, if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead, now
And If you wanna buy me flowers
Just go ahead, now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead, now
Sunday, March 7
I'll Carry You - Rebecca St. James
I know that look in your eyes
I see the pain behind your smile
Please don't hold it all inside
Together we can run
To the finish line
And when you are tired
I'll carry you
I can't walk this road without you
You cannot go it alone
We were never meant to make it on our own
When the load becomes heavy
And your feet too tired to walk
I will carry you and we'll be carried on
Share your burden now
I will listen
And when I'm weak
Will you hold me to the truth
That we can go on, for we are carried
Three strands of cord
Cannot be easily torn...
I can't walk this road without you
You cannot go it alone
We were never meant to make it on our own
When the load becomes heavy
And your feet too tired to walk
I will carry you and we'll be carried on
God will carry you
Before I say one more word
Hear me say I love You
My love comes from a heart that overflows
With love Who fills me
Comforts me
Comforts you,
With arms stretched out He said,
"I'll carry you"
I can't walk this road without you
You cannot go it alone
We were never meant to make it on our own
When the load becomes heavy
And your feet too tired to walk
I will carry you and we'll be carried on
I know that look in your eyes
I see the pain behind your smile
Please don't hold it all inside
Together we can run
To the finish line
And when you are tired
I'll carry you
I can't walk this road without you
You cannot go it alone
We were never meant to make it on our own
When the load becomes heavy
And your feet too tired to walk
I will carry you and we'll be carried on
Share your burden now
I will listen
And when I'm weak
Will you hold me to the truth
That we can go on, for we are carried
Three strands of cord
Cannot be easily torn...
I can't walk this road without you
You cannot go it alone
We were never meant to make it on our own
When the load becomes heavy
And your feet too tired to walk
I will carry you and we'll be carried on
God will carry you
Before I say one more word
Hear me say I love You
My love comes from a heart that overflows
With love Who fills me
Comforts me
Comforts you,
With arms stretched out He said,
"I'll carry you"
I can't walk this road without you
You cannot go it alone
We were never meant to make it on our own
When the load becomes heavy
And your feet too tired to walk
I will carry you and we'll be carried on
Thursday, March 4
well it seems that its just about time for something more philosophical....
is it true what people say - that money is the root of all evil? Or is it how a person handles the money? It would seem that gaining money causes the "gainer" to gain more..... so if someones making 1 million a year, would they have a higher drive to get more money than someone making $30 000 per year? And if someones making $30 000 per year, do they have a higher drive than someone that lives on the street? Or is it just the culture we live in? Is everyone here just so engrossed in making money so that they can be the next big "success" that we don't realize what it is we're doing? We're a greedy, greedy country, peoples..... So i was watching a movie called "gods must be crazy" - it describes a small, isolated tribe living in a desert. The only things they have are the trees and grass and dirt. They didn't know feelings of hate, fear, or anger. Then one of those "very noisy birds" (airplanes) flew over them and dropped this thing (a coke bottle) - they took it as a gift from the gods - it was the hardest thing they had ever found, it could carry water, it could cure snake skin, etc.... but soon, a problem came up - there was only one of them. They had never before had something that they needed more of. Is this how the world works? That all our technology is leading us backwards? It seems like technology has made more problems than it's solved. But it's not like our world is going back now - oh no - we like our technology and money too much. Whats wrong with this picture people??? Were humans really meant to chase after health and wealth?
anyways.... now that ive got that out of my system......
i wrote a song today - its about heather's soup!!!
chicken soup on heather
can you feel the weather?
closed up in your crazy jar
do you even own a car?
Not exactly an instant classic.... but it's growing on me
is it true what people say - that money is the root of all evil? Or is it how a person handles the money? It would seem that gaining money causes the "gainer" to gain more..... so if someones making 1 million a year, would they have a higher drive to get more money than someone making $30 000 per year? And if someones making $30 000 per year, do they have a higher drive than someone that lives on the street? Or is it just the culture we live in? Is everyone here just so engrossed in making money so that they can be the next big "success" that we don't realize what it is we're doing? We're a greedy, greedy country, peoples..... So i was watching a movie called "gods must be crazy" - it describes a small, isolated tribe living in a desert. The only things they have are the trees and grass and dirt. They didn't know feelings of hate, fear, or anger. Then one of those "very noisy birds" (airplanes) flew over them and dropped this thing (a coke bottle) - they took it as a gift from the gods - it was the hardest thing they had ever found, it could carry water, it could cure snake skin, etc.... but soon, a problem came up - there was only one of them. They had never before had something that they needed more of. Is this how the world works? That all our technology is leading us backwards? It seems like technology has made more problems than it's solved. But it's not like our world is going back now - oh no - we like our technology and money too much. Whats wrong with this picture people??? Were humans really meant to chase after health and wealth?
anyways.... now that ive got that out of my system......
i wrote a song today - its about heather's soup!!!
chicken soup on heather
can you feel the weather?
closed up in your crazy jar
do you even own a car?
Not exactly an instant classic.... but it's growing on me
Wednesday, March 3
well, today i was gonna show you all some of my impressive text art, but APPARENTLY this stupid html cant handle that kind of amazingness.... (yeah hey - html - YOU SUCK) anyways..... so yes now i have nothing to write here.... except my rambling on and on.... wow.... well i'm gonna try again.....
SUCCESS!!!! ....well i did my best - i'll work on making others for other days - anywho... apparently, Mr HTML here doesnt like spaces so i had to use 's.... so yes.... for those of you who dont know what the J R R Tokien symbol is.... well if you dont know who he is, i have no respect left for you.
SUCCESS!!!! ....well i did my best - i'll work on making others for other days - anywho... apparently, Mr HTML here doesnt like spaces so i had to use 's.... so yes.... for those of you who dont know what the J R R Tokien symbol is.... well if you dont know who he is, i have no respect left for you.
Tuesday, March 2
wow... it's a year today that my grandmother died... on the couch behind me. So, out of my personal favourites, here's my song for the day:
Goodbye - Plankeye
It's difficult to say goodbye
After only one life
The rain will fall down replenishing
All of our broken dreams
And this burning tree
That's withering will bloom again
Would you believe
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's time to say goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's hard to say goodbye
Now all that's left
Pictures on the walls
Memories and stories
That are told
The more often told
The bigger they get
Create a legacy
Lest we forget
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's time to say goodbye
No longer can I hold onto this defeated change in heart, I swear
It's time to sing "fare thee well" to life as we know it
My voice it will be, you know I will be, yes it will be still
Something woke me up in the midst of
Dream and fantasy, halfway there
But He always fills my cup
And He lifts me up
Oh how He lifts me up
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's time to say goodbye
I never took the time
To stop and realize
That death takes many forms
Even while alive
Goodbye - Plankeye
It's difficult to say goodbye
After only one life
The rain will fall down replenishing
All of our broken dreams
And this burning tree
That's withering will bloom again
Would you believe
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's time to say goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's hard to say goodbye
Now all that's left
Pictures on the walls
Memories and stories
That are told
The more often told
The bigger they get
Create a legacy
Lest we forget
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's time to say goodbye
No longer can I hold onto this defeated change in heart, I swear
It's time to sing "fare thee well" to life as we know it
My voice it will be, you know I will be, yes it will be still
Something woke me up in the midst of
Dream and fantasy, halfway there
But He always fills my cup
And He lifts me up
Oh how He lifts me up
Goodbye, goodbye
Walk away, it's time to say goodbye
I never took the time
To stop and realize
That death takes many forms
Even while alive