<$BlogRSDURL$> .

Staple guns - because duct tape can't make that "Ka-CHUNK" noise
- xkcd

Monday, November 28

Ahoy All!

Guess where I am? That's right - I'm in my living room... on my Christmas present! Behold the awesomeness that is my new PALM!!!

Since it be somewhat difficult to write on this beaster (I haven't got a keyboard yet) I will finish off this ridiculously short and meaningless post. Farewell all!

Saturday, November 12

As my housemate (pictured in pope attire in the previous post) once worked at the Inn of the Good Shepherd, he came across many an interesting thing. One of those things is a porta-confessional/kneeler (also pictured in previous post). Another is the utter hilarity that is:

Now, as much as I wish to take credit for this, I must admit that this is, in fact, the actual header for an Amish newspaper.

I'm not really sure what to say. I can't imagine them naming their paper "Intercourse News" in that context, and yet, would they believe anyone to take it otherwise?

I don't want to know what their families are doing together.

Thursday, November 3

Well, in the interest of giving everyone one more thing to procrastinate with, I shalst give a grand ol' post! What about? Absolutely nothing!

Well... not quite nothing. I'll first be giving an overview of the past 20ish days. Let's see...

Well I returned to the grand ol' Sarnia-dizzle once again. Why? Two reasons - my friends were there and my parents were not. We partied non-stop. And by partied, I mean went to stokes then watched the Nightmare Before Christmas (which, I must say, is quite the excellent movie - yay Tim Burton!). But, better than that, I got in plenty of time with My Girl, for it was her week off. Hoorah! Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

...except for the means of getting there and getting home. You see, Greyhound is the devil. They gave me wrong information twice. The first time, it cost me $20 extra to take the Richard Q from London as I missed my transfer there. The second, they told me the wrong place to go for the picking-upness from Sarnia. This resulted in My Girl's father offering me a ride to London, which was very awesome. But nonetheless, Greyhound sucks. Really.

Hmmmm.... I suppose the only other event was halloween. Instead of describing it, I'll just provide a series of pictures:

I think the rest is up to you to figure out*.

* This is all fake.

