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Sunday, February 29
My Poor Train
I was just sitting here thinking. Then, the unthinkable happened - (dum dum dummmmmm) I lost my train of thought. I was surprised and shocked. So then I started looking for it. It wasnt under the table - or my chair. It wasnt up my sleeve or under my couch. Then, i saw it. It was above me, floating away - just like a balloon. It went all the way up to the clouds, then it kinda drifted along there (at this point i was almost in tears). Then, it was shot out of the sky (probably by one of those "rational thoughts" (shudder)). So then it fell - it FELL - down, down down..... into the water. It floated down the river. Poor, poor train of thought. *sniff*
Song of the Day = Supertones - "Health and Wealth"
(a small excerpt)
Here we sit so comfy, rich.
use, me and you, the USA...
so far away from C-h-i-n-a.
We think they need freedom.
We're the ones in prison.
We don't have the time
to change the world.
It doesn't take long to figure out,
where all our money goes
We're the poorest billionaires
Jesus knows
I was just sitting here thinking. Then, the unthinkable happened - (dum dum dummmmmm) I lost my train of thought. I was surprised and shocked. So then I started looking for it. It wasnt under the table - or my chair. It wasnt up my sleeve or under my couch. Then, i saw it. It was above me, floating away - just like a balloon. It went all the way up to the clouds, then it kinda drifted along there (at this point i was almost in tears). Then, it was shot out of the sky (probably by one of those "rational thoughts" (shudder)). So then it fell - it FELL - down, down down..... into the water. It floated down the river. Poor, poor train of thought. *sniff*
Song of the Day = Supertones - "Health and Wealth"
(a small excerpt)
Here we sit so comfy, rich.
use, me and you, the USA...
so far away from C-h-i-n-a.
We think they need freedom.
We're the ones in prison.
We don't have the time
to change the world.
It doesn't take long to figure out,
where all our money goes
We're the poorest billionaires
Jesus knows
Friday, February 27
Switchfoot - "On Fire"
They tell you where you need to go
They tell you when you need to leave.
They tell you what you need to know
They tell you who you need to be.
But everything inside you
knows there's more than what you've heard
There's so much more than empty conversations
filled with empty words
And you're on fire
when he's near you
You're on fire when he speaks
You're on fire burning at these mysteries
Give me one more time around
give me one more chance to see
Give me everything You are
Give me one more chance to be near you
When everything inside me
Looks like everything i hate
You are the hope i have for change
You are the only chance I'll take
And I'm on fire when you're near me
I'm on fire when you speak
I'm on fire burning at these mysteries.
I'm standing on the edge of me,
I'm standing at the edge of everything I've ever been
And I've been standing at the edge of me, standing
at the edge
They tell you where you need to go
They tell you when you need to leave.
They tell you what you need to know
They tell you who you need to be.
But everything inside you
knows there's more than what you've heard
There's so much more than empty conversations
filled with empty words
And you're on fire
when he's near you
You're on fire when he speaks
You're on fire burning at these mysteries
Give me one more time around
give me one more chance to see
Give me everything You are
Give me one more chance to be near you
When everything inside me
Looks like everything i hate
You are the hope i have for change
You are the only chance I'll take
And I'm on fire when you're near me
I'm on fire when you speak
I'm on fire burning at these mysteries.
I'm standing on the edge of me,
I'm standing at the edge of everything I've ever been
And I've been standing at the edge of me, standing
at the edge
Thursday, February 26
alright, so it's been a couple days...
whats happened this week? absolutely nothing.... isn't that great?
todays song = project 86 - gold and silver
what an awesome song - if you dont have it/know it, let me know - you shall not be such a deprived child for much longer :)
so, html page - whats up? ..................sounds like fun. I'm not sure why i'm talking to a page.... or writing on one for that matter. Why do ppl keep stuff like journals? I don't get it. Like.... it's like me, talking to myself. But on a page. So somehow, society claims that its okay to talk to myself on a page, but not out loud? Whats up with that?? honestly... (note to readers - haddaya like the half punctuation job?) Well..... it would appear that I am doomed to write to myself instead of talk to myself..... which brings me to my next point - why am i such a crack pot?
Tuesday, February 24
well it seems after watching the news last night, there are a few updates about the murder
- michael sirowa (i still don't know how to spell his last name so.... yeah) was an old friend of the family. His father was very strict/controlling and Michael went insane around age 11, getting into all sorts of crap including alcohol, many kinds of drugs, and various cults... my aunt Verna was trying her best to reach out to michael
- just as i had expected, there WAS a knife involved - it'll be a closed casket funeral
- ironically enough, when michael had come to the house, verna was actually in the process of packing up some food to take to him. I'm not sure where that information came from, but somehow i believe it...
now if you're absolutely confused, i'll explain exactly who both these people are and what happened ---
I guess the story starts around when Verna was much younger. Her husband died when she was still very young (I'm not sure exactly how old she was). At that point, she was given a prophetic word that said that she would have an amazing ministry with younger men. She began taking in boarders to make some money. One of the two boarders she took in was Randy Parker, the other victim of the murder. The other boarder was John Routley (related to the family of the same name here in Sarnia). The three became as much a family as you have. Verna eventually started up a small bible study in her house, which has continued for all these years, touching a lot of people. Michael's parents were part of this bible study. Michael blamed Verna for "screwing up" his parents and came to her house on Feb. 20, 2004.
well, that was odd. I don't usually write/talk like that..... hmmmm.... .well for those of you who havent heard the full story.... i guess you have now....
Monday, February 23
well now, my plans have been ruined
I was trying desperately to link a couple pictures here... but they didnt want to be linked
wanna see? look down below

there - that didn't work did it? yeah the internet sucks....
anyways... I'm not feeling good so I probably won't be at school tomorrow (being sick does have its advantages)
lalala... i wonder how long i'll keep talking today
da da DAAAA da da da DUMMMM da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da badadadaDUMMMMMMMMM da da DADUDUMMM dada DADUDUMMM DADUDUMMM DADUDUMMMM DADADUMMMMMMM....... wow most annoying song ever.... (sorry for getting it all stuck in your heads again)
Intense Thought of the Day:
If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cared, why'd he keep doing it?
wow.... thats pretty deep
Sunday, February 22
before we begin, just a note - i'm not sure if the background music thing works yet, so cut me some slack while i work on it
alright - here we go...
What is your name?: owen "the yellow dart" tosh
Are you named after anyone?: ken - my middle name - its my dads name
What's your screename?: (8) forever i'll stand (8)
Would you name a child of yours after you?: i might name his middle name after me.... but not a first name
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: heather
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: id have to say jim
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: only with mrs mehta
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: i dont plan on becoming famous so i dont think it matters
Your gender: male last time i checked
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight like this ----------
Single?: yes yes i am
If not, do you want to be?: why would anyone want to be?
Birthdate: july 31 /87
Your age: working on 17
Age you act: heeheeheehee........
Age you wish you were: 3 - i get to run around and act cute - people are amused and i have no idea whats going on
Your height: there has been quite a debate about that.... i say 5'11 while others say 6' and still others claim 5'9....
Eye color: lotsa colours.... a little blue, a little green, a little yellow - u know - the works
Happy with it?: oh i quite enjoy looking at my own eyes
Hair color: dark blond
Happy with it?: well apparently not since i dyed it
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: righty tighty
Your living arrangement: i live in a house (or so i'm told)
Your family: alright i'll start at the youngest - stephen, beth, jim, sarah, marsha, joe (the last two being in-laws)
Have any pets?: i want a cat
Whats your job?: dimple counter for golf balls?
Piercings?: promised my grandma i wouldnt
Tattoos?: oh i have big plans....
Obsessions?: everything?
Addictions?: i once got addicted to juicyfruit.... no joke.... it had a surprisingly strong withdraw
Do you speak another language? i speak french and fluent gibberish
Have a favorite quote?: "hi. my name is mr nice. as you can see i dont have any arms or hands....." - mr nice
"NO YELLING ON THE BUS!!!!!" - the bus driver off of billy maddison
Do you have a webpage?: does it matter?
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: apparently - if i wasnt living in the moment, i wouldnt be living now would i?
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? tolerant of a group of annoying people - no..... tolerant of people - yes
Do you have any secrets?: uhhh sure....
Do you hate yourself?: only when i dont follow my golden rule (if it hurts, DONT DO IT AGAIN)
Do you like your handwriting?: my handwriting is illegible to me usually, but apparently it looks like a doctor or lawyers handwriting..... or so im told....
Do you have any bad habits?: yes... one of which is being superficial to STUPID QUESTIONS
What is the compliment you get from most people?: "wow you know a lot about computers"
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: "Don't Watch This Movie"
What's your biggest fear?: i dunno..... that quizmos sub commercial is probably it - that is a FREAKY commercial
Can you sing?: yes.... can i sing well? thats another question.....
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: i dont know if i would look cool if i tried so no
Are you a loner?: yes yes i am.... well except for clive here (hes invisible)
What are your #1 priorities in life?: to create a better OS than windows and bring down bill gates
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: HAHAHAHA nope - hence my saying - "if i weren't me, i wouldnt like me very much"
Are you a daredevil?: not a stupid daredevil.... i wanna go skydiving tho
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: why not
Are you passive or agressive?: i can be both..... usually more on the aggressive side.....
Do you have a journal?: cant say i do
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: good question
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: hmmmm probably my apparent repulsiveness
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: i dunno.... apparently i handle death well
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: my life isnt over yet...
Do you think life has been good so far?: the first ten years were great
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: if it hurts, dont do it again
What do you like the most about your body?: ummm my rock hard abs and oh-so-sexy smile??? what kinda question is this????
And least?: the lack of rock hard abs and oh-so-sexy smile
Do you think you are good looking?: aahhahahahahahahaha
Are you confident?: about what?
What is the fictional character you are most like?: oh definately wesley from the princess bride - i can definately fence, i run around wearing a black mask all the time, ive beaten the crap out of andre the giant, and done a lot of other amazing stuff...... yeah i wish
Are you perceived wrongly?: am i percieved?
Do You...
Smoke?: "you dont want to sell me death sticks - you will go home and rethink your life"
Do drugs?: see previous answer
Read the newspaper?: well i dont get the paper so it would be kinda difficult now wouldnt it?
Pray?: id have to say that i do
Go to church?: yes that too
Talk to strangers who IM you?: sure.... why wouldnt i?
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope.... i dont really need my pillow either..... or a mattress for that matter..
Take walks in the rain?: rain is awesome - especially when u get those huge drops that splash so nicely when they come in contact with ur head
Talk to people even though you hate them?: i dont know that many people that i hate.... but sure
Drive?: i dont know if you would consider it driving
Like to drive fast?: heehee maaayyyybe.....
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: dont think so
Hurt yourself?: and i repeat once again - "if it hurts, dont do it again" - doesnt that imply something?
Been out of the country?: never out of the states or canada
Eaten something that made other people sick?: yup - its called cod liver oil
Been in love?: sure
Done drugs?: im not that stupid
Gone skinny dipping?: only in the bath tub
Had a medical emergency?: i dislocated my knee once..... and got a huge gash in my head.....
Had surgery?: on my feet.... on my head.... etc
Ran away from home?: hmmmm nope
Played strip poker?: i dunna think so
Gotten beaten up?: just brotherly wars
Beaten someone up?: see previous answer
Been picked on?: yes yes i have
Been on stage?: usually for some type of music
Slept outdoors?: i woke up in my back yard once
Thought about suicide?: yup
Pulled an all nighter?: yup
If yes, what is your record?: 9:00 the next night
Gone one day without food?: 44 hours
Talked on the phone all night?: i hate phones.... but i was on msn last night until 3 if that counts
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: i guess so when i was like 5.... but not since then
Slept all day?: i got sick once and went to sleep - i woke up the next day at that same time
Killed someone?: oh yes - in fact im sitting in a jail cell right now
Made out with a stranger?: mean some people dont do that?
Had sex with a stranger?: yes
Thought you're going crazy?: crazy? i was crazy once... they put me in a room with padded walls - they looked like marshmallows, but they didnt taste like marshmallows - when i died, they buried me six feet under - the bugs drove me crazy..... crazy? i was crazy once.... they put me in a room with padded walls - they looked like marshmallows, but they didnt taste like marshmallows - when i died, they buried me six feet under - the bugs drove me crazy..... crazy? i was crazy once....
Kissed the same sex?: not since the age of 5
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: im quite glad to say that i havent
Been betrayed?: yeah u could say that
Had a dream that came true?: a good dream or a bad dream?
Broken the law?: oh im a rebel alright
Met a famous person?: i met sharron lois and bram when i was 7 - i was psyched - and my aunt kinda voice trained richard gere and various other stars...
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yeah it happens
On purpose?: have you ever seen my ant killer? some people call it a "sledgehammer"
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: i dont swear on keeping secrets so no...
Stolen anything?: i once stole a thing of life savers from zehres when i was little.... but i felt bad so i ended up giving them some money
Been on radio/tv?: only on "owens radio of fun"
Been in a mosh-pit?: a christian mosh pit - its like a regular one, only with less knives, a lot less weed, and less ambulances
Had a nervous breakdown?: OF COURSE I HAVE WHAT DO U THINK I AM?????
Bungee jumped?: i wish.... wait.... no i dont
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes
Belive in life on other planets?: i dont think so
Astrology?: not really
Magic?: demonic crap yes
God?: definately
Satan?: yup
Santa?: i dont remember i time when i really did believe in santa
Ghosts?: not really no
Luck?: hmmmm not really
Love at first sight?: maybe
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: i dont think bad can exist without good, because "evil" is the word we use to describe "lack of good" - but i think u can have good without evil
Witches?: not the broomstick kind
Easter bunny?: i believe that i get a chocolate one every year
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: hell yes - and anyone who answers no isnt worth remaining faithful forever to
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: good question
Do you wish on stars?: i dont need to
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: do u mean "do i believe in heaven or hell"? kuz in that case yes
Do you think God has a gender?: i dont think genders exist in heaven
Do you believe in organized religion?: it disgusts me, but yes
Where do you think we go when we die?: well if i believe in heaven and hell, then is this question really necessary?
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: uhhh i think so
Who is your best friend?: iono.... lotsa ppl
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: me myself and i?
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: k this is the last time im saying this - "if it hurts, DONT DO IT AGAIN"
Your favourite inside joke?: iono
Thing you're picked on most about?: my apparent repulsiveness
Who's your longest known friend?: hmmm philup
Newest?: heather
Shyest?: none of my friends are very shy
Funniest?: oh theyre all hilarious in their own ways
Sweetest?: heather is veryvery nice
Closest?: dunno
Weirdest?: me
Smartest?: iono
Ditziest?: hmmm.... heather
Friends you miss being close to the most?: good question
Last person you talked to online?: i talked to heather until 3 last night
Who do you talk to most online?: lotsa ppl?
Who are you on the phone with most?: i hate phones
Who do you trust most?: lotsa people
Who listens to your problems?: heather and some other awesome ppl
Who do you fight most with?: when i fight with ppl, they usually end up hating me, therefore we're not friends anymore
Who's the nicest?: tough questions - g's
Who's the most outgoing?: see previous answer
Who's the best singer?: i havent heard all my friends sing
Who's on your shit-list?: ????
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: sure why not?
Who's your second family?: i dont have a second family........ "i'm all alone, theres noone here besiiiiide meeeeeee...."
Do you always feel understood?: not usually
Who's the loudest friend?: giffin
Do you trust others easily?: about certain stuff
Who's house were you last at?: im in my own house now.... well actually im in this horrid appartment
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: uhhhh
Do your friends know you?: no they have no idea who i am
Friend that lives farthest away: uhhh i have friends in TO
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: how could love be a mistake???
What do you find romantic?: romantic stuff
Turn-on?: intriguement..... and hobbit feet.....
Turn-off?: the "im queen of the world - bow to me" attitude
First kiss?: haha i kissed a friend when i was 8..... she freaked out..... and apparently she doesnt remember a thing
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: honored but horrible
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: i figure it'll go something like this - we'll be awesome friends for maybe a couple years or something, then we'll date for two weeks, then i'll propose
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: no - that would just be awkward
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: well i dont remember ever falling for someone ugly.... but maybe i didnt think that that person was ugly just kuz i liked her..... but ive definately fallen for girls that other guys considered ugly
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: AAAHAHAHAHAHA nope
What is best about the opposite sex?: ummm yeah i guess smell is definately a factor..... and the fact that they generally have more intellegence than the average ape (if youre not sure what i mean, watch team girl squad and find the one of the guy that walks in and says "you must be girls")
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: they get mad at me and when i ask why, they give me the old "well if you dont know then im certainly not gonna tell you"
What's the last present someone gave you?: uhhhh i dont know?
Are you in love?: cant say i am
Do you consider your significant other hot?: if i had a significant other, she would most likely be hot
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: oh i get stalkers all the time.... i think the last one was mary
You wanted to kill?: the guy who invented these annoying questionaires that take up all my time
That you laughed at?: iono
That laughed at you?: see previous answer
That turned you on?: you ;)
You went shopping with?: hmmmmmmmmm....... i think i went with my dad to look at plasma tv's
That broke your heart?: im usually the one doing that
To disappoint you?: im usually disappointed by myself
To ask you out?: that doesnt happen
To make you cry?: i think the last time i cried was at my grandmas funeral..... even then not much
To brighten up your day?: haha heather
That you thought about?: i think about a lot of people
You saw a movie with?: hmmmmm i think i was by myself during my last movie
You talked to on the phone?: i hate phones
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: heather
You saw?: my brother whos in the next room
You lost?: ............
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: only as far as the corner store
Or some random person?: i'll random YOUR PERSON!! AAAARRRGGG...... alright im sane again.... hehehehe....
What are you wearing right now?: underneath my clothes im totally naked
Body part you're touching right now: uhhh well im typing on my keyboard so this question doesnt make sense
What are you worried about right now?: "dont worry..... be happy....."
What book are you reading?: "the shadow rising" by robert jordan
What's on your mousepad?: a periodic table of the elements - hey it wasnt my idea
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: make me
Are you bored?: if i werent bored, why would i be doing this???
Are you tired?: no i just woke up
Are you talking to anyone online?: not right now
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: and i repeat - i hate phones
Are you lonely or content?: yes
Are you listening to music?: yup - starflyer 59
woah..... im done..... that only took an hour and a half of my time.....
Saturday, February 21
Tuesday, February 17
[[]] so here i am once again.... amazing
[[]] i havent written in a couple days, so, to all my fans out there, im veryvery sorry
[[]]...uhh so yeah.... how 'bout those monkeypox..... 'hear theyre going around....
[[]] <-- i kinda like these
[[]] (heehee) ummmm so have you seen the new strong bad email? it's quite hilarious
[[]] ever wonder if time travel will ever be possible? i dont think so..... well at least u wouldnt be able to travel to a time before the time machine was created - because, if that happens, some evil guy would eventually use it to go back in time to like our time and use some futuristic weapon against us and enslave us all - do i look enslaved to you? thats what i thought. Well, that theory only works if im not the one that makes the time machine.... does that mean I'm gonna develop a time machine and dominate the ancient world? hmmmm...... so if that was true, then everything thats happening now, wont happen. so in essence, i could do whatever i wanted because i'll take it all back with my time machine. but if i do something wrong, i might end up changing my future and i wont make my time machine and some other guy will make it and enslave us all..... oh man..... this is deep.....
[[]] so now that ive returned to earth.... lalalala.....
Saturday, February 14
valentines day.... and you know what that means - SUGAR HIGH!!!!
well i'm actually not on a sugar high right now - but that hardly matters right?
deep thought for the day: why is orange juice yellow?
well i'm too lazy to think of anything else so i'll have more for tomorrow.... i wonder who's gonna read this anyways?
well here i am once again.... i just redesigned all the colours on here and it was hard - but now it looks pretty. I shall continue this endeavor until i achieve perfection. but for today, all i have energy left to do is to tell my faithful readers- DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN---
4 things i learned today (or recently):
1. bugs bunny is still just as hilarious as it always was
2. pucks on an air hockey table CAN move fast enough to take off the end of a finger nail
3. wings at crabby joe's are delicious
4. 100 things about heather (wait - would that make it 104 things i learned today? or maybe 103? owen can't count)
Thursday, February 12
[[]] wow.... all this blank space.... the POTENTIAL....
[[]] sooo.... who likes chocolate ice cream? OWEN DOES!!! just a second here....
[[]] alright, so now I'm sitting here eating chocolate frozen yogurt... I really don't see the difference between chocolate frozen yogurt and chocolate ice cream. It tastes just as chocolatish (hey that sounds like scottish) as anything under the title of "ice cream" and im not sure what the difference is here. Apparently, ice cream has more crap in it than frozen yogurt, and I seem to find more fruit in frozen yogurt than in ice cream, so i might come to the conclusion that frozen yogurt is healthier.... however, this is chocolate we're dealing with here (sorry if I'm making you hungry... I'll probably read this over myself tomorrow and get hungry from it.... DARNIT....) so I'm not sure if the healthiness levels are very much the same.... well lemme think here for a second - ice cream practically has no nutritional value no matter whats in it, so theres really not much difference between chocolate ice cream and fruity ice cream - on the other hand, frozen yogurt definately has fruitiness that ice cream doesnt so..... wow I have no idea where I am..... and at this point, you're probably wondering how many years ago i lost my sanity. Well.... it happens